Tuesday, February 4, 2014

~introducing me~

Hey friends!

I'm not even going to lie right now, I've been sitting outside trying to think of a clever way to introduce myself and my 'baby' blog. 

  Well first off, I'm a high school girl getting ready to take the first big leaps into a University eight hours away from home. I'm pretty much interested in everything. I love to kick it in some sweatpants and Nikes, but I will never pass up an opportunity to go full glam makeup and wear some heels. I'm pretty diverse I like to think, but I do not become content easily. 
  At a very young age I was introduced to competitive sports. I tried soccer, softball, dancing, etc, but my heart always wondered back to the warehouse full of mats, also known as an All Star Cheerleading gym. I guess that's where I get my super determined, yet girly mind-set. 
Although this definitely shaped me as a person, I have a lot more to me than cheerleading. I have an overwhelming desire to travel. I can't wait to explore everywhere I can, and hopefully share some of my journey with you guys.  I love gaining new experiences and sharing them as much as I can. I am also the stereotypical high school girl who's loves fashion, makeup, and trying new hair dos. 

My content will definitely get better (and longer), but for now here I am!
I'll basically write about anything on here, fashion, food, school struggles, faith, and much more.
There's so much more to me, and I can't wait to write to you guys and grow this blog. 

See ya next time, 

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